Weekend Briefing- 5/12/17
Lobbying CEO Applications still being accepted
If you are interested in becoming a Lobbying CEO for the 48th General Assembly, applications are being accepted until May 19th. Along with the application found here, a resume will need to be sent to James Matthew Wyatt at jamesmatthew.wyatt@my.uu.edu. If you have any questions, you may also contact him through the email address directly. These positions help expand leadership abilities of college students all over the state.

TISL ASL Bill update
The TISL bill that began with Joshua Anderson and Molly Ridgeway has taken off like wildfire and has become state law. The bill allows an American Sign Language course to satisfy the requirements for a foreign language credit. The original author of the bill, Joshua Anderson, took to Facebook on the day the bill was signed, May 4th, to say “I am so very thrilled to report that the American Sign Language Bill (SB 524/HB 462) has been signed by Governor Haslam and it is now the law of the land.” Before making it to the Governor’s desk, it passed unanimously through the House and the Senate, which is no small feat.
Pictured: Joshua Anderson
and Molly Ridgeway
Alumni Spotlight
Many TISL Alumni have accomplished tremendous feats. This week’s notable Alum is Joshua Pendergrass- the new Communications Director for the state of Alabama. Pendergrass was a TISL delegate from Lambuth University at the 35th General Assembly in 2006. Pendergrass’ professional achievements include:
Bachelor’s Degree- Lambuth University
Juris Doctor Degree- Thomas Goode Jones School of Law at Faulkner University
Private law practice opened in 2011
Senior Pastor at Bethany Baptist Church in Crane Hill- 2013-Present

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) appointed Pendergrass on Wednesday, April 19th, and noted, “Since taking office, I have worked to fill my team with men and women of the highest integrity. As we seek to restore Alabama’s image, I am glad to add folks like Josh Pendergrass who will work every day to steady the ship of state and improve Alabama’s image.”
According to Governor Ivey’s Official Press Release, as Communication Director, Pendergrass will manage Governor Ivey’s communications strategy, working closely with Press Secretary Eileen Jones and the other members of the Communication & Media Office of Governor Kay Ivey.
Pictured: Joshua Pendergrass.
Photo Credit- AlabamaNews.Net
Source: governor.alabama.gov “Governor Ivey Appoints Joshua Pendergrass as Communication Director”