Revamping Relations with AMC3 and Media
By: Toshya Leonard
This year marks the revamp of TISL Media coverage on AMC3. Until now, AMC3 has been a branch all its own, but now Media is diving into the competition with new guidelines.
But with the new media endeavor came many stringent guidelines for the reporters. For preliminaries, video was allowed only if the reporter was in the room before the competition starts, and the recording device had to stay stationary throughout the entire competition. Photography was only allowed with a quiet “point-and-shoot” without flash and could not cause distraction. Media members had to remain in the courtroom at all times during the round. Media could not interview the TISL Supreme Court, Magistrates, Assistant Clerks, or Judges. Reporters could only interview the Clerk and Marshall. Media also referred only to team numbers and not delegates’ individual names or school name.
“This year both the media and AMC3 programs worked together to create the coverage guidelines for the moot court competition,” Media Director Mary Jean Hall said. “There has always been some sort of media coverage of the moot court competition, but this year, both programs wanted to take the coverage to the next level. We just really wanted to improve the coverage for that area.”
After the General Assembly, the guidelines will be reassessed and any changes that need to be made will be done. As for TISL 2014, AMC3 coverage is really taking flight.