TISL Will Nominate Students to Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation
By: Page Forrest

Each year, TISL is responsible for nominating students to serve on the executive board of the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC). TSAC’s purpose is to “provide financial assistance for post-secondary education opportunities to Tennessee residents and other students who have established eligibility in accordance with program guidelines,” according to their mission statement. Two students hold seats on the executive board: one from a public college and one from a private college. This year, nominations and elections will occur for the private college seat.
TISL instituted a new system for elections last year. Under the old system, students would be urged to apply upon registration if they qualified. Last year, it was decided that nominations would instead occur the Friday night of the General Assembly. Unfortunately, the new process was mistakenly not implemented again this year. Because of this, nominations for the position will occur during the Joint Session today at 12:30 pm. Elections will occur Sunday morning.
According to Jeff Wilson, Executive Director of TISL, the terms are two years long and an excellent opportunity for any freshman or sophomore from a private college. If interested in more information, you can visit tislonline.org/tsac.html.