SCHEDULE UPDATE: Justices Kirby and Bivins speak to TISL students at 12:30 p.m. today
By: Mary Jean Hall
TISL, AMC3 and other Judicial Branch participants are encouraged to attend a “meet and greet” session with Tennessee Supreme Court Justices Holly Kirby and Jeff Bivins today at 12:30 p.m. in Legislative Plaza room 12.
Kirby and Bivins were initially scheduled to attend the reception later tonight for Judicial Branch participants. However, they will be attending the funeral of Tennessee Circuit Court Judge Mike Faulk. Faulk passed away on Tuesday.
The Justices send their regrets to TISL delegates, but they are looking forward to meeting the participants at the event at 12:30 p.m. today.
TISL and AMC3 adviser Tommy Goering expressed his condolences.
“We also mourn the passing of Judge Faulk and we appreciate that the justices are willing to take the time to participate with AMC3 students,” Goering said.
The reception for all judicial related students is still scheduled for tonight from 5-6 p.m. in the Tennessee Supreme Court Building