Vaccine Bill - What's Happening in the Senate
Click here to wach an update on the "vaccine bill" in the Senate!

Archaic Values Still in Place?
By: Emily Rose Mitchell The 21st Century is a time of progress when church and state are firmly held apart—or so many thought before...

Tennessee Supreme Court Justices Kirby and Bivins Speak to TISL Students
By: Jesse Walker Justice Kirby and Justice Bivins, the two newest appointees on the Tennessee Supreme Court, spoke to TISL students on...

Late Bills Committee: The Casual Legislative Session
By: Eryn Tripp and Dallas Foster Vice-Chairs and Chairs of each committee met at 8:00 P.M. last night in the Brentwood-Franklin Room of...

SCHEDULE UPDATE: Justices Kirby and Bivins speak to TISL students at 12:30 p.m. today
By: Mary Jean Hall TISL, AMC3 and other Judicial Branch participants are encouraged to attend a “meet and greet” session with Tennessee...

AMC3 Competition Kicks Off
By: Barry Saxton Yesterday afternoon in Legislative Plaza 12, an AMC3 hearing was in process with Justice Alex Griffith presiding over...
Video Broadcast #1 - Welcome to TISL 45!
Check out our Broadcast Team's welcoming video here!

Executive Council Enacts New Initiatives
by: Chandler Schneider The Executive Council for the 45th General Assembly has been hard at work over the past year to make this year’s...

2015 Supreme Court Chief Justice Announced
The 2015 Supreme Court met today and selected Rachel Washburn as the newest Chief Justice for the 46th TISL General Assembly. The...

Legislative Committee Meeting Locations
The TISL 45 Committee meetings will take place at their respected locations on Thursday, November 13th at 2pm and Friday, November 14th...