AMC3 Semifinal Schedule (Saturday)
Here is the schedule for the AMC3 Semifinal Rounds: 9:00 am - Team 179 vs Team 180 9:50 am - Team 176 vs Team 192 10:40 am - Team 187 vs...

2014 AMC3 Semifinalists Announced
AMC3 Semifinalists By: Toshya Leonard The AMC3 semifinalists have been released: *Note- The semifinalist teams are in numerical order....

Concealed Carry Bill for Teachers Raises Debate
By: Page Forrest Columbine. Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. Isla Vista. Those are only some of the most recognizable names since 1999. But in...
EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Jeff Wilson and Charles Bone
Click here to watch an exclusive interview with TISL Executive Director Jeff Wilson and TISL founding member Charles Bone.
Vaccine Bill - What's Happening in the Senate
Click here to wach an update on the "vaccine bill" in the Senate!

Archaic Values Still in Place?
By: Emily Rose Mitchell The 21st Century is a time of progress when church and state are firmly held apart—or so many thought before...

Tennessee Supreme Court Justices Kirby and Bivins Speak to TISL Students
By: Jesse Walker Justice Kirby and Justice Bivins, the two newest appointees on the Tennessee Supreme Court, spoke to TISL students on...

Late Bills Committee: The Casual Legislative Session
By: Eryn Tripp and Dallas Foster Vice-Chairs and Chairs of each committee met at 8:00 P.M. last night in the Brentwood-Franklin Room of...

AMC3 Competition Kicks Off
By: Barry Saxton Yesterday afternoon in Legislative Plaza 12, an AMC3 hearing was in process with Justice Alex Griffith presiding over...
Video Broadcast #1 - Welcome to TISL 45!
Check out our Broadcast Team's welcoming video here!